Group of college students, therapy for College Students in Center City, Philadelphia and Online in Pennsylvania

Maybe you started out your college life feeling excited, proud of yourself, and a bit nervous (though maybe that wasn’t frequently said out loud). Now you’re in it- and you’re feeling more stressed than you expected.

Therapy for College Students

You had hoped that college would bring you a group of sorority sisters, the sweet, sweet feeling of freedom, and the opportunity to learn about things you actually give a shit about (unlike the high school geometry and Shakespearean literature classes you were required to take).

But instead, you’re finding yourself just feeling a lot of stress, uncertainty, and fear about your life and your future. You miss your group of high school friends (even though they were annoying at times) and you’re embarrassed to admit that you don’t know if you chose the right major. You want your family to believe that you are doing well, that their dreams for you are coming true, but if you’re honest… you’ve spent more nights crying by yourself in your dorm room (and trying to make sure your roommate can’t hear) than actually making new friends or completing the papers you’ve been procrastinating on for weeks.

The time away from family is making you start to question a lot…about how you grew up, about what happened in your family, about childhood experiences you thought were normal at the time but now you’re not sure.  You are reflecting on a lot- leaving you feeling both curious and overwhelmed.  You know you could use someone to help you process and sort through all of this, especially because it feels like everyone else at your school either has their nose deep in a book or is hopping from party to party. 

You cringe when people tell you “college is the best time of your life,” because it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it. You want college to be a time you can look back on with fondness rather than feel flooded by all of the thoughts of how you’re not meeting your own or others’ expectations. You desperately long for support in finding the balance between focusing on your academics and having fun. You know that life isn’t all about studying, but you don’t want your money to go down the drain. Even though a lot of your time is spent in class, you’re committed to finding time to focus on your mental health. Even though so much of life feels confusing right now, you know you need someone to talk to about all of it. 

college support friends, therapy for college students in PA

Below is a list of some of the topics we frequently support college students with:

  • Anxiety and Stress: College life often brings about new stressors, such as living away from home, managing finances, and juggling responsibilities. We offer strategies to cope with stress and anxiety, empowering you to maintain a healthy balance.

  • Depression: Feelings of sadness and hopelessness can affect anyone, including college students. Our counselors provide a safe space to explore these emotions and work towards a brighter outlook.

  • Relationship Issues: Whether it's navigating friendships, romantic relationships, or family dynamics, our counseling services can assist you in building healthier connections and communication skills.

  • Identity and Self-Discovery: College is a time when many individuals explore their identities and values. Our counselors can help you navigate this journey and understand yourself better.

  • Grief and Loss: Coping with the loss of a loved one or a significant life change can be particularly challenging during college. We're here to provide a compassionate ear and guidance during difficult times.

  • Body Image: Our experienced counselors can assist in addressing issues related to body image and self-esteem, promoting a positive relationship with food and self.

  • Career and Future Concerns: Unsure about your career path or post-graduation plans? We can help you explore your options, set goals, and develop a career plan that aligns with your passions and interests.

  • Social Isolation: Adjusting to a new environment can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation. Our counseling services can help you build connections and establish a sense of belonging.

Our therapists have extensive experience working with college students and young adults, especially on challenges related to trauma and relationships (and we’ve gone through many of the struggles ourselves!) 

We would love to support you!